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Activities and projects

6th CIMM Pan-Asia Pacific Congress on Military Medicine

It is our honor and pleasure to invite you to participate in the 6th ICMM PAN-ASIA-PACIFIC CONGRESS ON MILITARY MEDICINE to be held in June 2025 in Beijing, China. The main scientific theme of the Congress is “Innovation, cooperation, development, together for a shared future”. The Scientific Program Committee would therefore like to take this opportunity to invite you to submit an abstract.

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45th CIMM World Congress of Military Medicine

The 45th ICMM World Congress of Military Medicine was held in Brisbane, Australia, in September 2024, at the invitation of the Australian Defence Force.

Thank you for joining us. RADM Sonya Bennett, AM, RAN
Australian Defence Force Surgeon General
Joint Health Commander

Watch the conference aftermovie

44th World Congress 2022 in Brussels

The 44th World Congress 2022 in Brussels was a success both scientifically and in terms of official and cultural activities…
You will find the necessary information by following the link below.

After movie | Photos | After movie

ICMM-CIMM Comité international de médecine militaire
Hôpital Militaire Reine Astrid BE
1120 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. 0032 2 443 26 45